Monday, July 1, 2013


I'm not really sure why we, as humans, feel the need to measure absolutely everything. Measuring is simply a way of relating every-day things to some made-up scale in order to be able to formulate an opinion on it. Measuring is simply another word for judging. When you think about it, almost everything is measured- from time, to money, to happiness. But who are we to measure happiness? Who are we to create this judgemental scale that determines the value of something? There is a commercial that states "Life is measured in moments," but why must it be measured at all? Just let it be. The world would be a better place if we didn't measure things, but simply let them be. Things (& people) are created to thrive as they are, not be measured and judged. No need for the comparisons of how everyone else measures up, just existing as you are. Or as your life is. Just let it be. Who created the opinions we base our measurements off of anyway?

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